Amy Best, Reception Team Leader, at Midway Medical Center, was honored by her fellow employees with the Midway Star Award. Dr. Frank Moskos presented the award to Best on behalf of the Midway Executive Committee.
The Midway Star Award was created to recognize employees who rise above the duties assigned to them. Recipients are chosen by fellow employees based on their teamwork skills and contributions to the overall success of Midway. Best’s coworkers had the following to say:
- “Amy goes out of her way to help. She’s a great trainer and she’s always willing to help with a challenging patient.”
- “She’s always willing to answer my questions. She never makes me feel like I’m a bother.”
- “Amy carries through with tasks which is wonderful for peace of mind.”
- “She always brightens my day. Amy always seems to be in a good mood.”
With the award, Best earned a Midway Star pin, a $100 Ingles gift card, and additional respect and appreciation from the entire Midway staff. Best, along with her husband and 2 children are very involved in the youth program at High Street Baptist Church in Canton.
Midway Medical Center is open seven days a week, with extended evening hours Monday through Thursday. For more information, visit midwaymc.com or call the Clyde office at 627-2211, or the Canton office at 646-0080.