Clyde Office (828) 627-2211

Best Receives Midway Medical Center Star Award

SPECIAL RECOGNITION – Amy Best, left, accepts Midway Star Award from Dr. Frank Moskos

Amy Best, Reception Team Leader, at Midway Medical Center, was honored by her fellow employees with the Midway Star Award.  Dr. Frank Moskos presented the award to Best on behalf of the Midway Executive Committee.  

The Midway Star Award was created to recognize employees who rise above the duties assigned to them.  Recipients are chosen by fellow employees based on their teamwork skills and contributions to the overall success of Midway.  Best’s coworkers had the following to say:


  • “Amy goes out of her way to help.  She’s a great trainer and she’s always willing to help with a challenging patient.”
  • “She’s always willing to answer my questions.  She never makes me feel like I’m a bother.”  
  • “Amy carries through with tasks which is wonderful for peace of mind.”
  • “She always brightens my day.  Amy always seems to be in a good mood.”  

With the award, Best earned a Midway Star pin, a $100 Ingles gift card, and additional respect and appreciation from the entire Midway staff.  Best, along with her husband and 2 children are very involved in the youth program at High Street Baptist Church in Canton.    

Midway Medical Center is open seven days a week, with extended evening hours Monday through Thursday. For more information, visit or call the Clyde office at 627-2211, or the Canton office at 646-0080.


Congratulations, Dr. Freeman!

MidwayMidway Medical Center is thrilled to announce that Dr. Nancy Freeman was voted Best Medical Doctor in Haywood County!

We are lucky to have Dr. Freeman as a part of the Midway Medical team. Her compassionate care and expert knowledge deserve to be recognized. Way to go, Dr. Freeman!

Cassie Laney Named Star Award Recipient

Dr Marjorie Levreau (pictured right) presenting Cassie Laney (left) with her well deserved award.

Cassie Laney won the Midway Medical Center Star Award. She was elected by her co-workers to receive the award because, “She helps everyone while taking care of her own patients. She helps even when you haven’t asked. She’s always cheerful.” Dr Marjorie Levreau presented Cassie with a star pin, certificate, and $100 gift card.

Midway Medical Center Receives Award for Clinical Excellence

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RECOGNIZED FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE – Dr Mark E. Kinter accepted quality care award on behalf of Midway Medical Center. Midway Medical Center received the highest quality care measures of any practice in western NC.

For the second year in a row, Midway Medical Center received the top award from United Healthcare for clinical excellence. The award recognizes Midway Medical’s successes in enhancing patients’ health and wellness, and has again, achieved the highest measure of rating among any physician practice in Western North Carolina.

Patients participating in the Medicare Advantage plan are part of a specialized quality care program. This program has 15 essential requirements that include: high blood pressure intervention, diabetes control, preventive screening care, and encouraging patients to adopt or maintain healthy lifestyles to improve their overall health.

United Healthcare noted that Midway Medical strives to provide excellent support through cooperation and communication among patients, staff members, and physicians. From the moment a patient calls the office or comes through the doors of Midway, all staff members utilize their knowledge and talents to ensure the best possible health care and experience.   

“It’s an honor to be acknowledged for our hard work and dedication to our patients. Our focus is to constantly improve ourselves so we can help to improve the lives of our patients,” said Midway physician Mark Kinter, MD.  “We are encouraged to know our patients are working to make improvements to their lifestyles and choosing healthier options.”

Midway Medical Center is open seven days a week, with extended evening hours Monday through Thursday. For more information, visit or call the Clyde office at 627-2211, or the Canton office at 646-0080.

Frady Receives Midway Medical Center Star Award


SPECIAL RECOGNITION – Jacob Frady, rightt, accepts Midway Star Award from Dr. Carolyn Ramsey

Jacob Frady, a Certified Medical Assistant at Midway Medical Center, was honored by his fellow employees with the Midway Star Award.  Dr. Carolyn Ramsey presented the award to Frady on behalf of the Midway Executive Committee.

The Midway Star Award was created to recognize employees who rise above the duties assigned to them.  Recipients are chosen by fellow employees based on their teamwork skills and contributions to the overall success of Midway.  Frady’s coworkers had the following to say:

  • “Jake is always willing to lend a hand, and he’s always upbeat. Whenever I’m in a pinch to get something done, he’s right there ready to help, and he never makes me feel like I’m a bother to him. If he sees one of us is overwhelmed, he steps in without being asked. It’s a pleasure to work with him.”
  • “He’s quietly working away.  Never draws attention to himself.  He helps everyone.
  • “Jake is a rock star.  He reduces everyone’s stress with his great ability to help others. So glad he is at Midway!”

With the award, Frady earned a Midway Star pin, a $100 Ingles gift card, and additional respect and appreciation from the entire Midway staff.  In addition to his employment at Midway Medical Center, Frady is also enrolled at Southwestern Community College towards an additional health related degree.

Midway Medical Center is open seven days a week, with extended evening hours Monday through Thursday. For more information, visit or call the Clyde office at 627-2211, or the Canton office at 646-0080.

Wood Receives Midway Medical Center Star Award

Midway Medical Center is proud to announce employee Brittany Wood won the Midway Star award. Dr Adrienne Stanley, presented the award to Brittany on behalf of the Midway Executive Committee. The Midway Star Award is based on the teamwork contributions cited by staff feedback.

Brittany Wood (on left) accepts Midway Star Award from Dr Adrienne Stanley
Brittany Wood (on left) accepts Midway Star Award from Dr Adrienne Stanley 

Wood’s coworkers said she:

  • Goes above and beyond to help patients and fellow employees to get the job done
  • Typed up a list of tips to help me feel confident so I would succeed
  • Takes great messages and is eager to help make the day go smoothly
  • Always makes us glad she’s part of the Midway team

Brittany Wood won a charming star pin, a $100 gift card to Ingles, and the respect and admiration of her coworkers. Dr Stanley commented, “Brittany’s service is an integral part of the compassionate care at Midway”.

Midway Medical Center is open seven days a week, with extended evening hours Monday through Thursday. For more information visit or call the Clyde Office at 828- 627-2211, or the Canton office at 828-646- 0080.

Davis Elected to WNC MMA Board of Directors

Sherry Davis was recently elected as secretary to the Western North Carolina Medical Manager Association’s board of directors. She is the Headshot, Sherry DavisAdministrator at Midway Medical Center where nine physicians provide family medicine and primary care in two locations in Haywood County.

Davis is a certified medical practice executive (CMPE) with the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), a national organization and also as a board member for Medical Mutual Mountain Advisory Board.

The Western North Carolina Medical Manager Association (WNC MMA) board is comprised of five senior leaders in medical management field with expertise in business operations, financial management, patient care systems and quality management.
WNC MMA provides healthcare administrators the opportunity to receive timely, relevant and quality continuing education.

NC Society of Medical Assistance Educational Seminar

Midway Medical Center employees attended the NC Society of Medical Assistant’s educational seminar in Gastonia, NC on February 20, 2016. The seminar included standards for back pain care and current trends such as the physical and emotional benefits of having pets. Attendees in the back row are: Heidi Sams, CMA (AAMA) Medical Assistant; Shirley Sawyer, CMA (AAMA), CPC, Operations Manager; and Heather Wines, CMA (AAMA) Medical Assistant. Front row: Tammy Smith, CMA (AAMA) Medical Assistant; Phyllis Inman, CMA (AAMA) Medical Assistant, and Janet Wyatt, CMA (AAMA) Clinical Supervisor.


Midway Medical Center Promotes Janet Wyatt To Clinical Supervisor

1Midway Medical Center is pleased to announce the promotion of Janet Greene Wyatt to Clinical Supervisor of both the Clyde and Canton office locations. Wyatt has been employed by Midway Medical Center since 1994.

Wyatt graduated from Tuscola High School in 1992. She then completed the Certified Medical Assistant program at Haywood Community College. Wyatt is an active Certified Medical Assistant through the American Association of Medical Assistants. She worked as an assistant to Dr Brian Caffrey for 15 years and most recently worked with Dr Julia Hartley. The clinical staff at Midway Medical Center are delighted with the promotion. Long time Certified Medical Assistant at Midway, Heather Wines said, “She’s really down to earth and caring; Janet loves to help people.”

As Clinical Supervisor, Wyatt’s responsibilities include oversight of the clinical support operations, supervision of all medical assistants and laboratory staff, and the coordination of specialized care. She also works to ensure that patient care flows smoothly, and that the highest of quality care is provided for Midway’s patient population. Additionally, Wyatt serves as a patient liaison by assisting patients with clinical concerns and inquiries.

For these and so many other reasons, Midway Medical Center is pleased to have Janet Wyatt as the new clinical supervisor. Midway’s Administrator, Sherry Davis, said, “We are extremely proud of the high quality care that Janet Wyatt provides to Haywood County residents on a daily basis”.

Midway Medical Center is open seven days a week, with extended evening hours Monday through Thursday. For more information visit or call the Clyde Office at 828-627-2211, or the Canton office at 828-646-0080.

Sawyer Achieves Certified Professional Coder Status

Shirley Sawyer, CPC, CMA, and Business Manager at Midway Medical Center, has become a Certified Professional Coder in the American Association of Professional Coders (AAPC).  The CPC designation is the gold standard for medical coding in physician office settings.  Sawyer 1 - color

To achieve the CPC status, Sawyer completed the required years of experience in medical billing, and she passed a rigorous examination that demonstrated mastery of all code sets, evaluation and management principles, and documentation guidelines.  The certification requires skills to assign the correct diagnosis, procedure, and supply codes for a wide variety of clinical cases and services.

In addition to medical billing duties at Midway Medical Center, Sawyer also supervises the reception, scheduling, and IT operations of Midway Medical Center.  Sawyer is also a Certified Medical Assistant with American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA), She is the organization’s past president, and she currently serves as the Speaker of the House of the NC Society of the American Association of Medical Assistants.  Sawyer has been employed at Midway Medical Center for 18 years.

Midway’s President, Dr Nancy Freeman said, “You will never find a more dedicated, patient, kind, or helpful person than Shirley. The doctors at Midway are very proud of her and her ongoing education to stay abreast of the changes with coding and billing in insurance and wish to have her efforts recognized for all she does for our patients”.

The nine board-certified physicians of Midway Medical Center provide family medical care in both their Clyde and Canton office locations.  Midway Medical Center’s advanced approach to family medicine includes Medicare’s Meaningful Use designation of their electronic medical records system, and the pursuit of Patient Centered Medical Home.